Curriculum Overview

Ralph Allen School
Ralph Allen School Curriculum Statement of Intent

"Our intention, when designing our curriculum, is to ensure our students get what they need to achieve their individual personal best: both academically and personally. Our curriculum is designed to help all students get the necessary skills and knowledge to be their best, and help them find their passion. We promote teamwork and respect through our curriculum. Be awesome, be amazing, be you."

Curriculum Intention statement 2022-23

The Palladian Curriculum Statement 2023-24

Teaching & Learning Information Statement

Remote Learning 

"In the event of a school closure, work will be set on ClassCharts. During the pandemic, we learnt how to use Microsoft Teams for live lessons. In the case of a planned substantial closure, lessons may be delivered remotely using Microsoft Teams.

In this eventuality, we will ask students to have cameras off and for staff to record lessons.

For Sixth Form students, Microsoft Teams groups will be created during the academic year to be utilised. 

In the eventuality of a prolonged school closure, we may create Teams groups for other classes if required. "


The content our school follows for every subject in each academic year is shown in the Curriculum road maps below. 

Curriculum Road Maps for all subjects 


For further information about Ralph Allen 16-19 study programme, please see our Sixth Form prospectus. 

A full list of KS4 courses available to pupils at key stage 4, including GCSEs  

A full list of 16-19 qualifications available to pupils 


Ralph Allen School is committed to raising the standards of attainment for all students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities through a broad, balanced and accessible curriculum. All staff are responsible for the progress of students with SEN/D and plan their lessons accordingly, with effective differentiation to overcome any potential barriers to learning. Special Educational needs and Disability Policy. 


If you have any questions about the Curriculum, please contact Mr S Witts, Deputy Headteacher or our Administration team,


Feedback at Ralph Allen School

Below are some examples of what we believe are great ways of giving feedback without unnecessarily increasing teacher workload.

Assessment at Ralph Allen 

Feedack at Ralph Allen School 

Key Stage 3

All students follow a core subject entitlement of:

  • English, Mathematics, Science, Modern Foreign Languages (French or Spanish), Design and Technology (including Food and Nutrition, Graphics, Resistant Materials and Textiles), History, Geography, Philosophy and Ethics (which includes Religious Education), Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Personal Social & Health Education (PSHE) and Computer Science. Please note that we no longer offer German as a subject to study in Key Stage 3 or 4.
  • Dance is taught as part of the PE curriculum.
  • Sex and relationships education is taught as part of PSHE and Science
  • There are elements of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) education throughout the curriculum and in the Assembly programme.
  • In Year 7, students take part in the fortnightly Wednesday Window programme of curriculum enrichment.
  • Students in these years also have opportunities to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
  • In addition all students take part in the Tutorial programme, which includes the opportunity for peer mentoring and learning as well as a variety of other topics which fit in with the Assembly themes for each week of the school year.

Key Stage 4

At KS4, students follow a core curriculum of:

  • English, Mathematics, Double Science, PSHCE (including Careers Education) and PE.
  • Students also choose to follow four subjects from the following examination courses: Art, Computer Science, i-Media, Drama, Product Design, Food and Nutrition, French, Spanish, Geography, Health & Social Care, History, Music, Physical Education, Sport and Leisure Studies.
  • Please see the Key Stage 4 curriculum booklet (link at the bottom of the page) for further details
  • In Year 10 all students will undertake a week of work experience during term 6.

Key Stage 5

Most of our students study three A Level subjects, although some students with very strong grades in their GCSE subjects may study four A Level courses if this is appropriate for them. Resit classes in English and Maths GCSE will be studied at the same time as other A Levels, for those students who do not achieve a level 4 at GCSE in either subject.

Our students also take part in a weekly foundation PSHE programme in addition to Sixth Form assembly, which covers a wide range of topics including values and morality. Students are able to complete the Extended Project and get involved in a wide range of sixth form extra-curricular activities.

Sixth Formers have comprehensive careers/higher education advice/experience provided by a programme delivered by the Sixth Form Team.

Full detail of the curriculum we offer at Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form) is detailed in the Sixth Form prospectus.

Whole School Prospectus

KS4 Curriculum Options Booklet 2024-25

KS4 Curriculum Options Booklet 2023-25

KS4 Curriculum Options Booklet 2022-24

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