Year 7 Admissions and Transition from Primary School : September 2025

Ralph Allen School

What to expect over the coming months...

We want to help make the start at Ralph Allen School as welcoming and positive as possible for new students, so we organise a comprehensive transition programme for year 6 pupils preparing to start at Ralph Allen School in September 2025. 

March 2025:

You will receive your offer of a place at Ralph Allen School at the beginning of March and you will have up to 17 March to respond to your offer. You will receive a welcome letter from us in the post informing you of some important dates to put in your diary. These can also be found below. 

May/June 2025:  

Ralph Allen School’s transition team visits pupils at their primary schools between: 19-23 May. After this, the team spends time allocating Houses and drawing up the tutor groups to ensure a fair mix of gender and ability. Should you have any preferences surrounding learning group allocation then this should be communicated in advance to the school.  A Parent Handbook will be published online and this provides all the information you will require to prepare for your child's transition to Ralph Allen. 

June/July 2025: 

Ensure data collection forms are completed. This is emailed to you via a system called Applicaa. You will be notified in advance of when this will be sent but it is crucial it is complted by the end of the Summer term. The information provided in this form will be used in September such as emergency contact information and medical information. 

Thursday 3 July 2025:

New Year 7 Students' Day. Year 6 children with a place at the school spend the day here

This is when they:

  • meet their tutor, tutor group and learning group for the first time
  • have the opportunity to sample some lessons
  • experience moving around the school to change classrooms
  • sample the great Ralph Allen School food from the school kitchen 
  • begin to feel part of Ralph Allen School.

Year 6 Parents' Evening will also be on the 3 July providing an opportunity for parents to meet the Heads of House, senior staff and the Headteacher, and to learn about the ethos of the school. 

July - September 2025:  You will be sent a letter stating which House your child is in which will enable you to purchase your child's school tie. (These are House specific). You will also be emailed your log in details for Scopay, our online payment system which you will need to activate ahead of September. Scopay can be used for topping up your child's dinner account and paying for trips etc. Classcharts logins will also be sent to you where you can monitor your child's behaviour, homework, detentions and attendance. 

Please note : You will be asked to fill out our school data collection form electronically prior to September and it is crucial that these are returned to us before the end of the Summer term. This will be done using a program called Admissions + and you will be sent log in instructions shortly .


If you have admissions queries for years 7 please contact

Mrs Hannah Baker, Executive Assistant who deals with bulk year 7 admissions.

For information regarding applications for the Sixth Form, please contact Mrs S Tooley , Sixth Form Assistant at:

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