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- Music Tuition
Music lessons should be booked directly with the WEMA (formerly B&NES Music Service). Please contact music@wema.org.uk or visit Learn to play a musical instrument - WEMA West of England Music and Arts. You will then be sent a link to an online application form. You can also call the Music Service on 01225 395388.
Music tuition timetabling
- Timetables are structured on a rotation system so that students do not miss the same curriculum lessons each week.
- Timetables are displayed in the Music Department.
- Due to the popularity of certain instrumental/vocal lessons some tuition may take place over break/lunchtime; this is also structured on a rotation system.
How to obtain an instrument for your child
- If you wish to purchase a musical instrument for your son/daughter the school can reclaim the VAT on instruments which means that a saving of 20% can be achieved on your purchase. For further details contact the Finance Office on Ext 2214/2203 or email: l.morrison@PalladianAcademyTrust.com before you make your purchase.
- The Music Department does not have any instruments available to loan to students.
Security of instruments
Instruments may be placed in the Music Department storage cupboard at the start of the school day. However, this cupboard is not secured by a lock and instruments are placed there at students’ own risk. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any instruments brought into school and therefore we strongly recommend that you obtain insurance cover for your son/daughter’s instrument on your own household insurance.
Miss K Attwood, Curriculum Leader, Music and Music Technology