Parents and Carers

Parents & Carers

We recognise the huge part you play in your child's decision making and career choice and feel it is important that you have up to date information to support your child explore their future path. We have prepared some guidance to help you support your child. 

You are able to support your child in their careers meeting by making the arrangements via email to Lisa You are welcome to meet the Careers Adviser with your child at 15:15 on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

We run an annual Informal Careers Event (ICE) in November for years 9-13, when local employers are invited to Ralph Allen to talk to students about their career.

We recommend taking a look at the following website "The Parents' Guide to" which gives useful information and explains the options for next steps at 16 and 18. 

We have mapped out the careers education for Ralph Allen students which gives you an insight into what is on offer in terms of careers related learning. 

My Careers Journey!


Post 16 and Post 18 Destination Data

We will share your data with the local authority, BANES, as it is a government requirement to track you until they are 18, to ensure they are participating in education, training or employment with training.

The school tracks young people for 3 years after they leave school. This is for the purpose of evaluating and  our service and adjusting our programme to meet the needs of our young people. We will contact parents via email with request to complete a two minute questionnaire.


Talking Futures: Support your child explore their future

Talking Futures is a fantastic resource to help support those conversations at home about self- development, education and careers.

It provides parents/carers with guidance on the education and training options for young people, conversation tips and interactive conversation cards for both the young person and parent/carer to have the right careers conversations

It's important to give a young person enough time to learn about themselves, develop their understanding of how the world of work operates, and the pathways they may consider when making those all important decisions.

We encourge these conversations from year 7, so do please take a look at the conversation cards CLICK HERE!

To gain a better understanding of the education and training pathways for Post 16 and Post 18, CLICK HERE!

Careers Pilot is a website used with RAS students to explore labour market information (careers, salaries, qualifactions and job growth) linked to their interests in or outside of school.

To explore careers with your young person CLICK HERE!

To enter the parent zone of Careers Pilot CLICK HERE!

If you would like to discuss more in detail you can contact:

Support Your Young Person Explore GCSE Options

Guidance on choosing GCSE options

A short video and tips for information on choosing GCSE options,click here.

There are a few things to think about when exploring options for GCSE:

1, Your child can do something they're interested in and will really enjoy!

It is really important that your child fully understands what they will be studying, how they will be assessed and what is involved, such as coursework, 100% exams, practical assessments.

Quite often students choose a subject without doing the research and are quite shocked when they have discovered the subject  involves a lot of writing or the topics don't interest them.

For more information on the key stage 5 curriculum (GCSE options) at Ralph Allen School click here!


2, To study a particular Post 16 course they may have had to have studied it at GCSE level, such as an A level in art or a language. If they have an idea of a career they'd like to pursue or a course they'd like to study in the future, check what they need.

You can do this by exploring careers linked to subjects at school and education pathways on Careers Pilot or BBC Bitesize Careers.

You can also check what entry requirements you'd need for an undergraduate degree by heading to and search for a degree of interest.


3, English Baccalaureate (EBacc)

EBacc is a set of subjects at GCSE that keeps young people's options open for further study at Post 16 and Higher Education and future careers. For more information and guidance and EBacc subjects pleaseclick here!

Alternatively, your child can arrange to speak to the Careers Adviser by asking their tutor to book an appointment (info below).

4, UTCs and Studio Schools

There are other provisions that offer KS4 curriculums with a spectific focus, such as Engineering, construction and STEM, the high tech creative industry and business.

What is UTC

A university technical college (UTC) is a type of secondary school in England that is led by a sponsor university which specialise in STEM.

What is a Studio School

Studio schoools are similar to UTCs with employer involvement, work experience, personal coaching alongside a standard school curriculum.

A list of the local UTCs and studio schools.

For more information on UTCs, studio schools and Year 10 transfers, follow the link to the local authorty website.

Admissions to a UTC or Studio School | Bathnes

Who can your child talk to about careers and education?

Miss Taylor the Careers Adviser is available to speak with students who would like to discuss education, employment and careers.

You are invited to email Miss Taylor: 

Alternatively, your child is very welcome to talk to Mrs Rogers Teacher in Charge of Careers in M18.

Support Your Young Person Explore Post 16

Post 16 and Post 18 Destination Data

Your young person is tracked by the Local Authority for two years through the Post 16 provider.

The school will also track your young person for three years after they leave year 11. This will involve sending you an online questionnaire. This is to ensure all young people are participating in education, training or employment with training.

Should plans not go ahead in Post 16, this should be flagged and parents/careers contacted to be supported.

Always contact the school or Youth Connects South West should your young person not have a plan for post 16.

Neet Support | Youth Connect South West | Bath and North East Somerset


Government Requirements For Post 16 

It is a requirement to participate in some sort of education or training between the ages of 16- 18, and there are different ways to achieve this, depending on the young person. 

  • stay in full-time education, for example at a college or 6th form 

  • start an apprenticeship or traineeship 

  • spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training 

Post 16: What’s on offer? 

What's your next move1.


Options at Post 18/ Higher Education? 

Unversity Degrees Explained click here!

Higher & Degree Apprenticeships click here!

HIgher Technical Qualifactions click here!

NVQs National Vocational Qualifactions click here!

Online Unversity 

Employment with training


Next Steps  

A few pointers on where to start. 

  1. Careers aspirations and ideas 

  1. What are your young person's interests and the skills they enjoy using? 

  1. Goals, abilities, learning style and predicted grades. 


Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information can help plan your career, give you all the information you’ll need regarding the working hours, salary details, growth of the job and sector in the UK.

Example of Labour Market Information (LMI( Careerpilot : Job sectors : Medical : Job profiles : Nurse 


To explore careers in the current labour market and the training into those roles follow the following links. 



Careers Pilot- Take a careers quiz, explore careers linked to the school subjects of interest or the different job sectors such as healthcare, business finance or Engineering 

Careerpilot : Jobs 

Prospects Job Profiles- For those students who are thinking of going to university and would like to explore careers in detail or what else they can do with their degree. 

Job profiles | 

What can I do with my degree? | 

Icould and BBC Bitesize Careers- Hard to imagine what a job may be like? Perhaps careers videos may help. Follow the links to hear what others have to say about their roles and how they got there. 

Articles Archive - icould 

Careers A to Z: Find your perfect job - BBC Bitesize Have an idea of what  to study at university but would like to know what degrees are available and what the Post 16 entry requirements are. 

UCAS | At the heart of connecting people to higher education 

Apprenticeship Guide- Perhaps your child doesn’t want to go to college, 6th form or university. Then explore what apprenticeships are currently available in the UK. 

The Apprenticeship Guide 


What are your child’s interests and the skills they enjoy using?

  • Favourite school subjects
  • Hobbies and clubs
  • The skills they enjoy using
  • What they like to do in their leisure time


Where to start looking? 


All colleges offer generic courses plus specialise in certain areas. 

  • From Year 9 attend an open event
  • Sign your young person from Year 9 up for tasters days at college during half term holidays

Here is a list of colleges in the area. 

  • Bath College 

  • Wiltshire College (Agriculture and horticulture) 

  • City of Bristol College 

  • SGS (South Glos and Stroud) College (A levels, Engineering and sports academy) 

  • Harpbury College and University (horse and animal, sports and agriculture, A levels, residential) 

  • Weston College (Roofing and scaffolding) 

  • Sparsholt Hampshire (fish and game) 

Bristol Post 16 Directory- Post-16 Directory 2024 (


Apprenticeships..... how and where? 

I’m going to offer you some general information and advice on the how and where to apply for apprenticeships. 

An apprenticeship is like a job with training. 80% (4 days) of time is with an employer training and working while getting paid, and the other 20% (1 day) is at college, independent training provider or university (depending on the level) 

You can study up to a master's degree level, and there is no tuition or courses fees to pay for as it is all funded, so no student loans. 

For more information on apprenticeships, go to: Becoming an apprentice ( 

If you’re applying for an apprenticeship through a college, you’re expected to find a placement who is the learning provider/ employer. You could approach businesses or have a family member or friend who will offer a placement. 

Small and medium-sized business get funding for apprentices, so this is helpful to know should they want to consider employing your child.

For guidance on employing an apprentice and funding please follow: Employing an apprentice: Overview - GOV.UK ( 

You can also apply for apprenticeships through independent training providers (ITP), such as JTL, QA Apprenticeships, Babington, Professional apprenticeships, who are not colleges.

Where can I find an apprenticeship.....? 

You can find apprenticeships in the following places: 

  • College websites- Employers advertise apprenticeship vacancies that you can apply for.

  • Employers' websites 


Applying for an Apprenticeship 

A large majority of apprenticeships can be applied for all year round, but colleges intake tends to be once or twice a year only. 

It’s important to be work ready in the way of being able write a CV, cover letter, complete an application form, and have good interview skills to wow that employer and get that job! 

I can provide websites which can help support your child’s development in employability.  

Barclays Liferskills- Employability Skills | Young People Job Skills| Life Skills ( 

For a CV builder, Cover letters, interview skills and much more. 

National Careers Service-  Careers advice | National Careers Service 

Information on how to get a job, CVs, and much more. 


Preparing for University....... 

For all information on undergraduate study, how to apply, gap years, student loans, fees and bursaries and clearing, head over the Ucas/ undergraduate to learn more. UCAS | At the heart of connecting people to higher education 

What is an internship? Internships | 

Postgraduate- What is a graduate scheme-Graduate schemes 2022 | 

Alternatives to University- Alternatives to university | 


Support Services

16-18 Year olds- Not In Education Training or Employment (NEET)

For 121 tailored support make a referral top Youth Connects

Youth Services | Youth Connect South West | Bath and North East Somerset


Would Like Some Quick Advice and Guidance?

Call the National Careers Service for advice on careers, education and training.

Telephone: 0800 100 900

Website: Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service



We hope you have found the guidance useful and do get in contact if you require further information or guidance Carees Adviser- 

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI)

It is vital, in an environment where new industries are emerging and many of the most important jobs of the future don’t yet exist, that individuals have access to labour market information and earnings data to underpin their choices.


For information on labour market information and why we use it, please follow the link for the West Of England Combined Authority presentation.

Click here


For all local labour market information, please follow the link.

Click here


Other LMI sources

Child Employment From 13

Most young people would like to work, this is an essential part of gaining independence, learning work and life skills, and most importantly for them, earning some money!

We would like to offer you some guidance from BANES local authority, on child employment.

Child Employment | Bathnes

Where can my child find work?

Ideas of the types of work available to young people :

  • Hair, beauty and barber salons
  • Deli, cafe and restaurants
  • Babysitting
  • Dog walking and pet sitting
  • Farming and gardening
  • Office work
  • Shop assistants
  • Car Washing
  • Delivery of newspapers
  • Riding stables
  • Sports coaching
  • Market stalls
  • Updating businesses websites
  • Hotels- house keeping- front of house
  • Working farms, entertainment parks and softplay

How to find work?

  • Approach employers enquiring about work
  • Shop window advertisements 

Reasonable Adjustments in Work Act for Disabilities, Physical or Mental Health Conditions

We would like to provide information on a Government policy that provides guidance on entitlements within the work place if your child has Special Educational Needs or Disabilities or health conditions.

Employers must make reasonable adjustments to make sure workers with disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions, are not substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs.

This applies to all workers, including trainees, apprentices, contract workers and business partners.

This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Reasonable adjustments include:

  • changing the recruitment process so a candidate can be considered for a job
  • doing things another way, such as allowing someone with social anxiety disorder to have their own desk instead of hot-desking
  • making physical changes to the workplace, like installing a ramp for a wheelchair user or an audio-visual fire alarm for a deaf person
  • letting a disabled person work somewhere else, such as on the ground floor for a wheelchair user
  • changing their equipment, for instance providing a special keyboard if they have arthritis
  • allowing employees who become disabled to make a phased return to work, including flexible hours or part-time working
  • offering employees training opportunities, recreation and refreshment facilities

For more information follow the link:

Reasonable adjustments for workers with disabilities or health conditions - GOV.UK (

Career Guidance and support for adults

We would like signpost you to services and websites that may be of use if you're:

  • Upskilling
  • Retraining
  • Returning to work
  • Not been successful in finding employment after education, Post16/Post 18
  • Or settling in the country


Want to retrain upskill or fancy a change - Unsure what?


Exploring Your Options!

Lifepilot : Helping adults into higher level study (


Would Like Some Quick Advice and Guidance?

Call the National Careers Service for advice on careers, education and training.

Telephone: 0800 100 900

Website: Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service



Would Like Some 121 Support

Future Bright 19 year + For 121 careers guidance and employability support

Future Bright offers free support and training for individuals (18+) in paid work and earning less than the real living wage (£9.90 per hour), or in paid work and receiving benefits or tax credits.

Eligible participants will be allocated a Career progress Coach who will provide 1:1 service which focuses on career development, barriers to progression and how to overcome these. Whether it’s help finding or applying for a new job, support looking for available training, assistance with self-employment or advice with CV and interview skills,

Future Bright can help you. There may be access to a personal budget for training and equipment however this will need to fit in with the aims and objectives of the project and we would ask that our participants engage with the project and complete actions set.

Bristol: Email or call 0117 9222250
Bath & North East Somerset: Email or call 01225 395555
South Gloucestershire: Email or call 01454 866008



English an Additional Language

English Language School for 19years+  Bath College   English Language School | Bath College



Adult Learning Community- Bath College

Bath College Adult Community Learning provides a wide range of courses intended for those who want to improve their chances to find work, support their families or live independently. From art to IT, we have a selection to suit nearly every need and interest.

Our courses are free of charge for people who:

  • Are not currently in work and/or on benefits, and looking for new skills, ideas and advice
  • Want to gain skills that will help with volunteering, improving confidence and working within their home and community
  • Are earning less than £19,305 if a resident of B&NES or £17,374 if outside of the area
  • Have been a resident in the UK for 3 or more years


English, maths and IT skills (EDSQ) initial assessments and classes are offered free of charge to anyone who has not already obtained a grade C at GCSE in these subjects. 

Please note: we will need to see proof of your right to remain in this country before we can enrol you onto a course

We try to make our courses accessible to as many people as possible, so they are taught in small groups by friendly tutors not only in our main campuses in Bath and Radstock but also in many other community hubs. If you require help with transportation, equipment or childcare costs, please let us know and we may be able to help.

For more infrmation follow the link Adult Community Learning | Bath College


Try Something New- Free Online Courses

Open Learn- All our free courses - OpenLearn - Open University

Leicester College- Distance Learning Courses - Leicester College

RAS Careers News

Ralph Allen School Enterprise Adviser

We are delighted to be in working in partnership with BANES Local Authority and have been planning ways in which BANES can work with our school to help prepare and develop our students for their future endeavors as well as bringing employment opportunities to those considering a career working in the Local Authority and our community.

Margaret our Enterprise Adviser will be working with our Year 10 students supporting their development in employability through CV, cover letter and interview workshops within work experience week. 

Margaret will be sharing "day in the life" videos of the teams and departments within BANES with our students to raise the profile of the roles within Local Authority, supporting our young people careers exploration and increasing awareness of the local labour market.

We are looking forward to working with BANES and thank Margaret for her introductory Biography:


Network N

Network N are a Bath-based fast-growing media business focusing on gamers, gear and e-sports, reaching over 60m+ unique users per month across a network of websites. Their vision is to create better channels to target gamers globally across owned media and partners.

Network N are keen to work with schools in the local area and have kindly offered us two work experience placements (WEX).

As preparation for this, two personnel from Network N  came into school to work with nine  year 10 students who had  expressed an interest in a WEX with them.  Students were invited to attend a  2 hour workshop which covered writing a CV and cover letter as well as general interview skills.

Students were then given the two WEX job descriptions and invited to apply for the position. Two weeks later,  Network N returned and interviewed each student.

Network N were very impressed with our students and decided  to offer five work placements, rather than the original two. These were awarded to: Arlo Radcliffe and  Ben Andrews (in the Operations Department) and  Noah Turner, Riley Ashdown and  George Thompson (in the Publishing department). We hope that the skills that all students have learnt will be useful to them in the future.

We are enormously appreciative to Network N for their time, interest and commitment to our year 10 students and look forward to continuing this working partnership.



Careers Fair Student Booklet

RAS Careers Calendar 2023-2024

Career Year activities 2023-4 


PAL speakers Y11 

Post 16 interviews year 11 

PSHE lessons on Careers – year 7 – 11 

Year 9 author talk 

Year 12 Exeter university 

Year 12 Cambridge trip 



Introduction to WEX –  

Parents evening year 10 Tutors work with tutees for WEX 

PAL speakers 

Post 16 interviews year 11 

Year 11 Post 16 conference 



Bath College tour 2 sites year 11 Post 16 day-Y10 

PAL speakers 

Post 16 interviews year 11 

Green Careers week 

 Year 11 visit to St Brendan’s  

RUH operation taster year 12 

UN Assoc. conference year 13 



PAL speakers 

Career Talks (BANES) 

Bath University sports leadership day year 9 






PAL speakers 

Y9 GCSE options meetings 

Career Talks (BANES) 

Careers Day Y7 P1&2 

Year 11 Hinkley Point trip 

Year 12 Oxford university visit 

Year 12 Introduction to medical studies evening  






National Apprenticeship Week 

Options for year 9 – scare speakers 

Careers Day Y9 P1&2 

PAL speakers 

Year 13 Chemistry lab day at Bath university 

Year 9 SEND & PP Careers guidance 

Years 9.10.11 PAL Boomsatsuma  talk 

Yr 11 College/sixth form interviews 


National Careers Week 

Bath college tour  

PAL speakers 

Apprenticeship Fair / Bath College Y11 & Y13 

Careers in a subject  Y10  

Careers talks year 8 

Pathways Fair 

Years 7 & 8 Careers pathways 

 Job Fair  construction and Engineering year 10 Model United Nations Kingswood School 

Year 12 Oxbridge conf. 


PAL speakers 

KS3 Pathways Fair  

2X PAL Y8 & 9  

Trip to UWE year 10  (  PP students/SEND/disadvantaged  







PAL speakers 

Post 16 option interviews year 10 

UCAS day year 12 





PAL speakers 

Post 16 interviews year 10 

 Big Bang Science fair 

Year 12  Physics day Bath University 



WEX – year 10 - 3 day + 1 employability day  (Mock Interviews) 

Post 16 interviews year 10 year 12 Careers Day onsite 




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