Admissions - Year 7

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Ralph Allen School

The arrangements for allocating year 7 places at Ralph Allen School are determined by B&NES, the Local Authority, and are explained in its booklet A Secondary School for your Child in Bath & North East Somerset which is available for all parents/carers with a child in the final year of primary school in Bath and North East Somerset.

Ralph Allen School caters for boys and girls, aged 11-18.

While parents have the right to choose a preferred school, the number of places available at that school may limit the choice. If a school is over-subscribed the Local Authority admissions team has to apply criteria, listed in order of priority, when allocating places.

Please note that applications for Ralph Allen School should be made through the family's home local education authority.

Late applications will be considered, together with any applicants who are refused a preference and have lodged an appeal, after all applications that have been received in time have been dealt with.

Admission Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2026-27

School Admissions Code

Supplementary Information Form (Ralph Allen School Staff only)


Appeals information

Year 7 appeals: The deadline for submitting appeals for a year 7 place is 1 April 2024, when the written submission should be lodged. For applications made in the normal admisson round, appeals must be heard within 40 days of the deadline for lodging appeals. Appeals for year 7 places are usually heard from May onwards, so for a year 7 place in September 2024 appeals will be heard from May 2024.  

This is the appeal form you need to complete

Appeals timetable - available here

See this website for further information: 

Democratic Services
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Lewis House, Manvers Street
Bath BA1 1JG

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