
Ralph Allen School



Ralph Allen School requires students to wear full uniform at all times. The uniform promotes a distinctive and appropriate appearance inside and outside Ralph Allen. The uniform requirements are intended to be clear and unambiguous.

  • The uniform is COMPULSORY for all students in Years 7-11 and must be worn in full to and from home, and at all times during the school day in the correct and appropriate manner.
  • The uniform is identical for all year groups, with the exception of the Year 10 and 11 tie, which is silver and is to recognise their more senior position in the school.
  • Additional non-branded items of uniform (shirt, socks and shoes) can be purchased from any appropriate suppliers. Items purchased from alternative suppliers must meet the school guidelines. Please click here to see acceptable and unacceptable shoes for Ralph Allen School. 
  • Students are NOT permitted to wear items of Physical Education kit underneath/with their uniform at any time unless prior agreement from the school has been given.
  • Students who arrive at school in non-uniform and/or unsuitable footwear must anticipate being isolated or, in some cases, being sent home to change.  We are unable to provide replacement uniform in school.

  • All uniform must be named. Then if it is lost, it will be returned to the student. If it is not named or reclaimed, it will be kept by Student Services then sold in our second hand uniform sale.

  • In making a decision about what constitutes acceptable uniform and appearance, the decision of the Headteacher and the Leadership Team is final, binding and without question.
  • The school has a supply of pre-loved uniform. For details of sale dates please see the school calendar.

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