Ralph Allen School requires students to wear full uniform at all times. The uniform promotes a distinctive and appropriate appearance inside and outside Ralph Allen. The uniform requirements are intended to be clear and unambiguous.
- The uniform is COMPULSORY for all students in Years 7-11 and must be worn in full to and from home, and at all times during the school day in the correct and appropriate manner.
- The uniform is identical for all year groups, with the exception of the Year 10 and 11 tie, which is silver and is to recognise their more senior position in the school.
- Additional non-branded items of uniform (shirt, socks and shoes) can be purchased from any appropriate suppliers. Items purchased from alternative suppliers must meet the school guidelines. Please click here to see acceptable and unacceptable shoes for Ralph Allen School.
- Students are NOT permitted to wear items of Physical Education kit underneath/with their uniform at any time unless prior agreement from the school has been given.
Students who arrive at school in non-uniform and/or unsuitable footwear must anticipate being isolated or, in some cases, being sent home to change. We are unable to provide replacement uniform in school.
All uniform must be named. Then if it is lost, it will be returned to the student. If it is not named or reclaimed, it will be kept by Student Services then sold in our second hand uniform sale.
- In making a decision about what constitutes acceptable uniform and appearance, the decision of the Headteacher and the Leadership Team is final, binding and without question.
- The school has a supply of pre-loved uniform. For details of sale dates please see the school calendar.
Ralph Allen Standard items: suit jacket and trousers or skirt (referred to as the School Suit), tie and optional jumper.
School Suit
Students MUST WEAR BOTH the Ralph Allen School tailored jacket and either matching tailored trousers or the matching tailored skirt, a suit, as the main item of their uniform. School skirts must be worn at the correct length, and must not be rolled up.
The suit material is black with a fine green 6mm pin stripe and is ONLY AVAILABLE from Scholars. The suit must be worn to and from school and whilst on site at all times. At the discretion of the teacher, students are allowed to remove their jackets in class. Staff will inform students when jackets do not need to be worn for practical work subjects.
Plain White Shirt
Students must wear a formal/regular white shirt. It must be plain white only. It may be either long or short sleeved. The formal/regular white shirt will be designed with a regular collar and will be buttoned up to the neck/collar for the school tie to be worn in conjunction with it, and should always be worn tucked in.
Ralph Allen School Ties
All students must wear a Ralph Allen School tie at all times. This must be worn appropriately (green tie for Years 7 to 9, silver tie for Year 10 and 11 only). The tie is ONLY AVAILABLE from Scholars of Bath. From September 2023 there will be theh addition of the child's house colour included on the school tie.
Ralph Allen Jumper (optional)
Students may wear the green ‘v’ neck jumper (this does not have to have the embroiderd Griffin on it) . This may be worn under the suit jacket. It is not to be worn as an alternative to the jacket! Students are to wear their ties tucked into their jumpers. The jumper is ONLY AVAILABLE from Scholars.
During periods of excessively warm weather/temperatures, the school may temporarily suspend the necessity to wear a jacket for school.
During periods of excessively cold weather/temperatures, students may wear a plain white tee shirt or vest underneath their regular shirt/blouse. In the eventuality of snowy/icy conditions, students may wear suitable/appropriate shoes/ boots to school.
Students and parents will be informed of these temporary changes to the regulations along with the applicable dates via the school's regular communication channels.
(Guidance for parents and students of acceptable and unacceptable styles of shoes).
Footwear must be black and suitable for school wear. Footwear can either be a black school shoe or a plain black leather trainer. (the trainers must be 'polishable' and must not be made from canvas or have any coloured logos.
Please click here for clear and definitive guidance and images of acceptable and unacceptable footwear for school. This comes in the form of a series of photographs of shoes displaying the styles which are appropriate and those which are not appropriate at Ralph Allen School. We very strongly recommend that every parent views the footwear images before making any purchase in order to avoid unnecessary expense and inconvenience caused by procuring inappropriate shoes.
Leg Coverings
- SOCKS & TIGHTS must be plain, below knee length socks, either black, white or dark grey, are permitted. Students are permitted to wear plain tights, which are either black or flesh-coloured only, when wearing the school skirt. Not acceptable for school are tights that have any colour in them or any pattern on them. Footless tights are not permitted.
- LEGGINGS: no type of legging is permitted.
- Only black socks are allowed to be worn over tights.
Outdoor Garments / Coats
A plain waterproof coat is recommended for all students. Alternatively, students could wear a fleece.
Students who cycle to school are strongly encouraged to wear helmets, high visibility jackets/bands, especially during the shorter days and darker nights.
- HOODIES are not part of our uniform code. They are NOT to be worn, to and from, or at the school at any time. Students who arrive at school in these garments must anticipate having them removed for the duration of the day. Please do not send your child to school dressed in any garment, which resembles a HOODIE of any description - this includes hoodies with or without, a zip.
- Students are not to wear sweatshirts and/or tracksuit tops including to and from school.
Students may wear a watch, religious symbol or a single ear stud or a hoop earring that is no bigger than a 1 pence piece. For health and safety reasons no other jewellery is to be worn. Students who fail to follow this code must anticipate items being confiscated, and/or being sent home. No bracelets and bands are allowed.
Students are allowed to wear simple stud style earrings (a maximum of four, two in each earlobe).
Students are allowed a single nose stud that should be clear, no nose rings are permitted.
TONGUE STUDS, EYEBROW RINGS or any equivalent FACIAL PIERCINGS are NOT ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER, including when travelling to and from school. This is Ralph Allen School policy. Additionally, it is also in line with Health and Safety regulations. Students who do not comply with the piercing regulations must anticipate being isolated and/or sent home from school.
Make-up and Cosmetics
Discreet use of makeup that is not visible is allowed.
Acrylic nails or any extensions are not permitted in any years for health and safety regulations.
All students will require the following equipment:
Black/green Ralph Allen polo shirt (with school and house logo*)
Black/green Ralph Allen shorts (with school logo*) or Ralph Allen skort (with school logo*)
Sports Leggings
Black sports leggings or black sports joggers can be worn during winter months
Outdoor Wear
Black Ralph Allen sports fleece (with school logo*) or the black/ green Ralph Allen Rugby shirt** (with school logo*)
Pair of white socks and a pair of green/black games socks
All students will require a pair of trainers and also a pair of studded/moulded (no blades) boots
Mouth Protection
Gum shield
Shin Pads
All students will require a pair of shin pads for hockey and football.
*Only available from Scholars
**Compulsory when representing the school
The school has in stock some items of Pre-Loved Uniform, thanks to kind donations from our School Families. We usually hold at least 2 Pre-Loved Uniform Sales each year, in the evening after school. A sale is also held to coincide with the New Parents' Evening in July. Please note that this is a CASH ONLY event on the evening and no card payments can be taken.
Our Price List is as shown below:

If you would like to buy some uniform at other times, you will need to contact the Administration Officer via email and let us know which items you are looking for and the appropriate measurements. We will then see if we can fulfill your order and let you know the total cost. We will need payment via our School Payment System - SCOPay - before items can be taken home. We can, of course, refund any items that are not suitable.