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Safeguarding at Ralph Allen School
Ralph Allen School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment. We believe the whole community has a responsibility for safeguarding.
'Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility'
We firmly believe in a pro-active and strategic approach to safeguarding, helping our young people know how to keep themselves safe. However, our students should also know where to go and who to talk to if they feel unsafe. We promote this ethos through our Assembly programme, our tutor time Value sessions, our PSHE curriculum and though wider examples across the whole curriculum. Please see our Wellbeing page for more information.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding means:
- protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- preventing harm to children’s health or development
- ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes
Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child. NSPCC
Meet our Safeguarding Team
Our Safeguarding team are visible and approachable around school. Staff and students know who the team are and how to report a concern. There is visible signposting, so students can easily identify members of staff from the Safeguarding Team. Please also see our lanyard policy, details of which are below.
However, safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff and all staff are trained in how to manage a safeguarding concern.
The wider safeguarding team meet regularly to ensure our safeguarding procedures are regularly reviewed, ensuring our systems are robust.
Staff Name | Job Title | Email Address | Photo |
Mrs Sarah Warr | Director of Inclusion & Designated Safeguarding Lead | s.warr@palladianacademytrust.com | ![]() |
Mr Richard Handley | Assistant Headteacher DDSL Teacher of PE | r.handley@palladianacademytrust.com | ![]() |
Mrs Donna Wiles | DDSL | d.wiles@palladianacademytrust.com | ![]() |
Miss Liz Napier | Student & Family Liason Officer DDSL | l.napier@palladianacademytrust.com | ![]() |
Mrs Sarah Bubyer | Child Protection, Thrive Practitioner, Teacher of Science DDSL | s.bubyer@palladianacademytrust.com | ![]() |
Safeguarding Policy
Please follow this link for our Safeguarding Policy document.
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE)
Please follow this link for UK Government statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children.
Visitor Protocol
Link to Visitor Protocol
Please also see this link for our reception Safeguarding & Child Protection leaflet, which all visitors are required to read before entering the premises.
Lanyard Protocol
Palladian Academy Trust Lanyard Protocol
Colleagues who are employed by the Trust/School will wear greige lanyards.
Visitors to the school who have provided the necessary assurance that they have completed necessary safeguarding checks, including an enhanced DBS check and Barred List check, will wear a green lanyard. This will include ITT students, but the school must have recorded evidence of the safeguarding checks and assurance from the university or training provider. They may move round the school without supervision but must have been provided with key safeguarding information and know where to access the Safeguarding Policy. They are made aware that by signing in and accepting a green lanyard, they agree to follow all school/Trust safeguarding procedures.
Sixth Form students will wear black lanyards in school.
Visitors to the school who do not have the necessary check, or who are unable to provide the necessary assurances, will wear a red lanyard. They must not move around the school without supervision. However, they must have been provided with key safeguarding information and know where to access the Safeguarding Policy. They are made aware that by signing in and accepting a red lanyard they agree to follow all school/Trust safeguarding procedures.
Governors/Trustees who are not salaried colleagues will wear a red lanyard as although they should have had an enhanced DBS check, they will not have undertaken a Barred List check as governance is not a regulated activity.
DSLs and DDSLs in school will wear a green pin badge on their lanyards. This will signify that they have undertaken advanced safeguarding training relevant to their role and are a ‘go to’ person for pupils, colleagues and visitors. All pupils and colleagues are aware of these expectations and are supported to challenge if they see a potential breach of this protocol and know how to report it.
Online Safety
Please follow this link for the Ralph Allen School E-Safety policy. Further useful information can also be found through the links below:
Information, Advice and Support to Keep Children Safe Online (internetmatters.org)
Homepage - UK Safer Internet Centre
National Online Safety | Keeping Children Safe Online in Education
Reporting Concerns
If you have any concerns about any of our young people please do not hesitate to contact a member of our safeguarding team (see above).
You can also pass on your concerns to the Police or the Local Authority.
In the event of an emergency, phone the Police using the 999 number. If the risks to the young person are not immediate but they are significant, phone the Police using the 101 number.
If you are concerned about ANY of the following you can contact Bath and North East Somerset Council:
- You think a child is suffering significant harm
- You want to protect a child from abuse or serious neglect
- You feel the child requires urgent or short-term care (acute services)
Our students are regularly reminded in assemblies and Tutor times how to report a concern. We are continually evaluating this, and following student voice we are planning to introduce an anonymous reporting tool for our students.
RAS Staff
RAS uses the online reporting tool CPOMS for staff to report a safeguarding concern. This is monitored carefully to ensure all concerns are addressed promptly and appropriately. Staff are trained in how to use CPOMS.
What happens if someone has a concern about my child?
If anyone in school is worried about the welfare of your child, this will be discussed with you unless we think that this conversation could put your child at a greater risk of harm. The school must share all relevant information with Children’s Social Care if they are concerned about your child. The social worker may consult with other agencies before deciding what should happen next. They will also speak to you about the concern and keep you informed about what is happening.
Staff Training
All staff in Ralph Allen School receive annual safeguarding training. Alongside the statutory training, we regularly update staff in current concerns regarding safeguarding, including; training on INSET days; online training modules; safeguarding briefings, as well as discussions and scenarios throughout the year.
All our new staff complete an induction process which includes safeguarding training and training on RAS protocols. New staff cannot start working with children until they have undergone extensive checks, induction and training.
All training is recorded on our Single Central Record (SCR) which is regularly updated to reflect this.
Whole School training includes:
The National College ‘Annual Safeguarding Training Module’
The National College ‘Changes to KCSiE Training Module’
HM Government E-Learning Training on PREVENT
All members of the Safeguarding team have completed the National College ‘Advanced Safeguarding training module’
All members of the Safeguarding and Leadership teams have completed the NSPCC SVSH course: 'Managing Sexualised Behaviour in Secondary Schools'
All staff receive training in the use of CPOMS to report a concern and in how to manage a disclosure
Cyber Security training
Whistleblowing Policy
Please follow this link for the Palladian Academy Trust Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure.