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Ralph Allen School

Careers Education at Ralph Allen School

Baker Clause

At Ralph Allen School, we believe that every student should be encouraged to achieve their potential in life. Our desire to provide a first-rate careers programme comes from our whole school vision.

Careers education has a clear role to play in producing young people who are ready for the challenges and opportunities they will face when they leave school.  Working with parents, carers and the wider community, our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance will support them in making the best decisions for their future careers.

We want every student to leave our school with the necessary skills, values, attributes, empathy, knowledge and qualifications required to be highly successful, thoughtful, and reflective adults who contribute and flourish in society. 

By encouraging high standards of behaviour, excellent school attendance and by offering a wide range of opportunities, we give our students hope and aspiration for the future.  Our aim is to produce students who are well rounded and are suitably prepared for their place in life when they leave Ralph Allen School and enter the fast-changing world of work or continue in education.

Our careers program is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks and is taught through PSHE lessons, starting in year 7. Our programme helps students to improve their decision making, to work in a team, to gain confidence in organising their own lives and to develop skills for their futures. 

We have access to a careers advisor who is able to offer individual advice to students about career pathways, help them to organise their work experience, and select the most appropriate post-16 education opportunities.


The Careers Team

Teacher in Charge of Careers Education - Mrs Sue Rogers

Careers Advisor -  Mrs Lisa Bradshaw - Appointments can be booked via email with , or contact Mrs Rogers

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